Starting the Charge

So here is my first post on my brand new blog.  Come on in.

I’ve had the idea to write one for some time.  I have been writing personal journal entries since I was a kid, though I have very often gone long stretches without writing nary a word… sometimes several years.  I mourn the lost details of those gaps; I’ve had successes, tragedies, and other important events in my life that have lost some of the finer detail now in the passing time.  When enough of these events have accumulated up, I often go into writing mode to attempt to preserve some of the information, and to release the emotion that is bottled up inside of me.

There are two life events that have recently happened that have drawn me back to the keyboard.  One is the death of my little buddy Hamilton, my cat that has been with me through some troubled times in the last several years.  After a week of increasing illness, it was discovered that he had an incurable disease.  I was left with the grueling decision of letting him go peacefully or to try to help him hold on for a short while longer (at the cost of his quality of life).  I grieved over the decision for an hour, though I really knew what choice I had to make the whole time.  He died quietly in my arms that night.

The second event was simultaneous: the breakup of my relationship of 2 1/2 years.  She was, unfortunately, not as supportive as I would have wished during the time of Hamilton’s illness.  Then, in a contradictory manner, she was opposed to the decision I made to let him go.  It was not the only difficult period between us, but it was the defining one that sadly ended our time together.

Now I am left to sort through my feelings on both matters, looking back on the events that led up to the eventful week, as well as my life before that and what to do going forward.

I’ve been at this moment before… as have we all, I suppose.  The first day of the rest of my life.

I will post on here as often as I can / as I feel compelled to write.  I know some of my friends have recently accepted the “blog every day” challenge, but it’s not my intention to post here for the sake of posting..  Living life takes precedence… blogging about it comes second.  So accept my preemptive apologies to any gap I may leave from here on in.

You may read more about me and my purpose for this blog on my About This Blog page.

Thanks for reading!


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